Matteo E. Bonfanti is Senior Researcher at the Center for Security Studies. He holds a PhD from the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa. Matteo’s research activities focus on the governance implications generated by targeted initiatives adopted by the EU and its Member States to foster their internal security. These include the development and adoption of new technical, technological and organisational solutions to enhance cyber-security, policing and intelligence cooperation, as well as crisis and emergency management. Before joining the CSS, Matteo was researcher at the Institute of Law, Politics and Sustainability of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, the Centre for Science, Society and Citizenship in Rome, and the Central European University in Budapest. In 2008 he served as research assistant at the office of the European Data Protection Supervisor (EDPS) in Brussels. Matteo has been actively involved as researcher in several EC and EDA funded projects the field of security (counter-terrorism, crime prevention, border security, cyber-security) since 2010.
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Among Matteo’s recent publications:
Bonfanti, Matteo E. (2016) Collecting and Sharing Intelligence on Foreign Fighters in the EU and its Member States: Existing Tools, Limitations and Opportunities, in A. de Guttry, C. Paulussen, F. Capone, Foreign Fighters under International Law and Beyond, Springer: The Hague, pp. 333-353
Bonfanti, Matteo E. (2016) Cyber-security e privacy: la promozione della sicurezza nello spazio cibernetico attraverso la tutela della vita privata e la protezione dei dati personali, in U. Gori S. Lisi (a cura di), Information Warfare 2015 Manovre cibernetiche: impatto sulla sicurezza nazionale, Milano, pp. 205-219.
Bonfanti, Matteo E. (2015) Social media intelligence a salvaguardia dell’interesse nazionale. Limiti e opportunità di una pratica da sviluppare, in U. Gori, L. Martino (Ed), Intelligence e Interesse Nazionale, Roma, pp. 231-262.
Bonfanti, Matteo E. (2015), CBRN Integrated Response Italy: towards Enhanced Cooperation between Safety and Security Agencies facing CBRN Threats, in A. de Guttry, ITPCM Learning from the Past to Chart the way Forward, Pisa 2015, pp. 89-91.
Bonfanti Matteo E., F. Capone, (2015), Fostering A Comprehensive Security Approach: An Exploratory Case Study of CBRN Crisis Management Frameworks in Eleven European Countries, in Information & Security, Vol. 33, pp. 55-80.
Bonfanti Matteo E. (2015), La risposta a minacce di natura NBCR in Italia, in Rivista di Diritto Pubblico Italiano, Comparato, Europeo, No. 9, pp. 1-32.
Bonfanti Matteo E., F. Capone (2014), A Preliminary Assessment of the Normative Framework regulating MAR Schemes in Europe: the EU Directives and their Implementation in Nine National Legislations, in Italian Journal of Groundwater, pp. 61 ff.
Bonfanti, Matteo E. (2014) From Sniffer Dogs to Emerging Sniffer Devices for Airport Security: An Opportunity to Rethink Privacy Implications?, in Science and Engineering Ethics – Special Issues on Human Security, pp. 791-807.
Rebera, Andrew .P.; M.E. Bonfanti and S. Venier (2014) Societal and Ethical Implications of Anti-Spoofing Technologies in Biometrics, in Science and Engineering Ethics, Vol. 20(1), pp. 155-16.
Bonfanti Matteo E. (2011), Il diritto alla protezione dei dati personali come riconosciuto dal Patto internazionale sui diritti civili e politici e dall'art. 8 della Convenzione europea dei diritti dell'uomo: similitudini e difformità di contenuti, in Diritti Umani e Diritto Internazionale, Vol. 5(3), 2011, pp. 437-481.