Prof. Zbigniew W. Kundzewicz, Corresponding Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, is Professor of Earth Sciences (since 1993) and Head of Laboratory of Climate and Water Resources in the Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment, Polish Academy of Sciences (RCAFE PAS), and a Senior Scientist in the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). Coordinating Lead Author of Chapter 13 (Europe) in IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) WG2 TAR (Climate Change - Impacts, Adaptation, Vulnerabilities); Chapter 3 (Freshwater resources and their management) in IPCC WG2 AR4; IPCC Technical Paper on Climate Change and Water; and Chapter 4 of the IPCC Special Report on Extremes; hence part of the inner circle of the IPCC (2007 Nobel Peace Prize laureate). Member of the Advisory Board on the Environment (including Climate Change) of the European Union Seventh Framework Programme. Editor-in-Chief of scientific bi-monthly “Hydrological Sciences Journal” (Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK) and member of editorial boards of several scientific journals. Author of 387 publications. Principal research interest and expertise: extreme hydrological events, climate change impacts, sustainable development. State orders: Golden Cross of Merit (Poland), Knight’s Cross of Polonia Restituta Order (Poland). Great Golden Seal of the City of Poznań (Poland). Other awards: Tison Award of IAHS (1987) and two awards of the Polish Academy of Sciences.
Educational history
Dr habil. (Habilitation) in Geophysics (Hydrology), Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, December 1985 (Thesis: Modele hydrologiczne ruchu fal wezbraniowych - Hydrological flood routing models)
Dr in Geophysics (Hydrology), Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, May 1979 (Thesis: Aproksymacja parametr6w koncepcyjnego modelu ruchu fal wezbraniowych - Approximation of parameters of a conceptual flood routing model)
Master degree (mgr inz). in Electronic Engineering (Automatics), Warsaw University of Technology (Politechnika Warszawska), Department of Electronics, Institute of Automatics, Warsaw, Poland, March 1974 (Thesis: Model matematyczny reaktora chemicznego z deaktywacj'l katalizatora - Mathematical model of chemical reactor subject to catalyst deactivation)
1969-1974: Studies of automatics in the Technical University of Warsaw, Poland.
Academic and professional appointments
2010 - Corresponding Member, Polish Academy of Sciences
2001 - to date: Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK), Potsdam, Germany, Senior Scientist (part-time).
1993 - 1996: World Meteorological Organization, Hydrology and Water Resources Department, Geneva, Switzerland, Scientific Officer (P4) 1993 - Professor of Earth Sciences (life-long title bestowed by the President of Poland).
1991 - 1993: Ecological Cooperation Office, Regional Parliament of Poznan Province, Poznan, Poland, Director.
1990 - to date: Institute for Agricultural and Forest Environment (earlier name - Research Centre of Agricultural and Forest Environment), Polish Academy of Sciences, Poznan, Poland, Associate Professor to Professor, Head of Laboratory of Climate and Water Resources, since 2008 Research Director.
1978 - 1991: Institute of Hydrology and Water Management, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, several research stays (incl. Humboldt Fellowship); over 36 months altogether.
1974 - 1989: Institute of Geophysics, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, several posts from Research Assistant to Associate Professor.
International research experience
Participation in international research projects, including leading Polish entry to five EU FP projects (WATCH, ADAM, ENSEMLES, MICE, CRUE), HARMONICA (representing PIK) and a World Climate Programme-Water project. Scientific work abroad of over ten years, science-related visits paid to over 70 countries.
Invited to many prestigious plenary key lectures (e.g. in 2010: Penman Lecture - British Hydrol. Soc., World Water Forum, three other large international conference). Since 2007, Member of Advisory Group on Environment (including Climate) of the EU 7th Framework Programme.
A Coordinating Lead Author (CLA) of four IPCC products: (i) Chapter 13 (Europe) in IPCC WG2 TAR; (ii) Chapter 3 (Freshwater resources and their management) in IPCC WG2 AR4; (iii) IPCC Technical Paper on Climate Change and Water; and (iv) Chapter 4 (Changes in impacts of climatic extremes) in the IPCC Special Report on Climate Change and Extremes (ongoing).
Editor of international bi-monthly, Hydrological Sciences Journal" (Wallingford, Oxfordshire, UK)
Work as Scientific Officer at World Meteorological Organization, Geneva and as senior scientist at Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK).
Journal articles:
Milly, P. C. D., Betancourt, J., Falkenmark, M., Hirsch, R. M., Kundzewicz, Z. W., Lettenmaier, D. P., Stouffer, R. J. (2008) Stationarity is dead: whither water management? Science, 319:573-574 (192 citations)
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Mata L. J., Arnell N., Doll P., Jimenez B., Miller K., Oki T., Sen Z., Shiklomanov, I. (2008) The implications of projected climate change for freshwater resources and their management. Hydrol. Sci. J. 53(1):3-10 (48 citations)
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Ulbrich, U., Brlicher, T., Leckenbusch, G., Menzel, L., Pinskwar, I., Radziejewski, M., Szwed, M. (2005) Summer floods in Central Europe-climate change track? Natural Hazards 36(1/2):165-189 (45 citations)
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Graczyk, D., Maurer, T., Pinskwar, I., Radziejewski, M., Svensson, C., Szwed, M. (2005) Trend detection in river flow series: 1. Annual maximum flow. Hydrol. Sci. J. 50(5):797-810 (41 citations)
Four further important and relevant papers since 2005:
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Radziejewski, M., Pinskwar, I. (2006) Precipitation extremes in the changing climate of Europe. Clim. Res. 31: 51-58
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Nohara, D., Jiang, T., Oki, T., Su Buda, Takeuchi, K. (2009) Discharge of large Asian rivers - Observations and projections. Quarternary Int. 208: 4-10.
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Hirabayashi, Y., Kanae, S. (2010) River floods in the changing climate - observations and projections. Water Resources Management. Online first DOI 10.1007/s11269-009-9571-6
Kundzewicz, Z. W., Lugeri, N., Dankers, R., Hirabayashi, Y., Doll, P., Pinskwar, I., Dysarz, T., Hochrainer, S., Matczak, P. (2010) Assessing river flood risk and adaptation - review of projections for the future. Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change. Online first.
Research monographs and chapters in collective volumes (There have been several dozens of such items in the last 10 years, but the two with highest number of citations are mentionned):
Bates B.C., Kundzewicz Z. W., Wu S., Palutikof J.P. (ed.) (2008) Climate Change and Water, IPCC Technical Paper VI - June 2008, IPCC Secretariat, Geneva, 210 pp. (271 citations). Alphabetic order is the rule, but I played a role of the leader in this spectacular (even if not a journal) publication.
Kundzewicz Z. W., Mata L. J., Arnell N., Doll P., Kabat P., Jimenez B., Miller K., Oki T., Sen Z., Shiklomanov I. (2007) Freshwater resources and their management. In: Parry M. L., Canziani O. F., Palutikof J. P., Hanson C. E., van der Linden P. J. (ed.) Climate Change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability. Contribution of Working Group II to the Fourth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. (135 citations)
Major grants received in the last years
Participation, as a work package leader, in an integrated project Extreme meteorological and hydrological events in Poland (Evaluation and projection of impacts on human environment) funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Poland (2004-2008).
Participation in three integrated projects (as a leader of the Polish team):
ENSEMBLES (Ensembles-Based Predictions of Climate Changes and their Impacts) 2004-2009; ADAM (Adaptation and Mitigation Strategies) 2006-2009, (task leader),
WATCH (Water and Climate Change) 2007-2011, Contract No. 036946 (task leader) project
Participation in the CRUE (ERA-NET) devoted to flood research (representing my Polish institute) and in the HarmoniCA concerted action (representing PIK).
PZ-1/NoZ/2004: “Extreme meteorological and hydrological events in Poland"; coordinated by Prof. Jacek Jania University of Silesia (TN - coordinator of the work group 1. Meteorological events); duration: 2004-2009.
Major awards received
2010 - Corresponding Member, Polish Academy of Sciences
2008 - Large Golden Seal of the City of Poznan (“for extraordinary achievements in the area of climate and environment protection, that make Poznan famous in the world and are a reason for pride to its inhabitants”)
2007 - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) received collective Peace Nobel Prize (shared with Dr. Al Gore). I have received a diploma from IPCC, having considerably contributed to IPCC work since 1993, being (among other functions) a four-fold Co-ordinating Lead Author
2004 - Knight's Cross of the Polonia Restituta Order granted by the President of the Republic of Poland, Aleksander Kwasniewski 1993 - Certified Professor of Earth Sciences (lifetime scientific title) granted by the President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Walesa 1991 - Golden Cross of Merit granted by the President of the Republic of Poland, Lech Walesa
1987 - Tison Prize of the International Association of Hydrological Sciences 1986 - Award of the Secretary-General of Polish Academy of Sciences
1983 - Julian Lambor Prize of 7th (Earth and Mining Sciences) Division of Polish Academy of Sciences