Enhancing the decision-making process in weather-induced emergency situations in a fun and interactive manner
- Written by anywhere-press
- Published in ANYWHERE News
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ANYCaRE (ANYWHERE Crisis and Risk Experiment) is a role-playing game especially designed to investigate crisis decision-making associated to weather-related risks in Europe. Specifically, it allows to analyse “if “and “how” the tools to raise self-preparedness and self-protection as result of ANYWHERE project can support the decision chain in warning systems towards achieving a better response.
The game simulates realistically the dynamics of the warning and response processes, starting with the detection of a potential weather-related threat and ending with decisions related to the coordination of the emergency response.
Participants are invited to play specific roles of the warning and decision chain in order to decide about emergency actions to be taken in response to a weather-induced hazard in a European context. The roles to be adopted (hydro-meteorologists, municipality, road services, first responders, school services) and the potential decisions/actions to be chosen by the players are pre-defined. Through the game the players examine weather forecast data and impact-based vulnerability information, interact with others and debate on relevant emergency measures and decide collectively what protective actions, if any, are needed.
ANYCaRE is designed as a “learning by doing” process. Thus, playing the simulation-based game is a simple but essential mean for participants to identify the emergency management difficulties and beneficial tactics. Participating in the activity may provide an excellent opportunity for decision-makers to train on dynamic and uncertain incidents that may occur in times of weather-related crisis.
The game was first tested in two scientific workshops in Finland and France where European researchers, developers, forecasters and civil protection representatives played the simulations. Two other game sessions were organized afterwards with undergraduate University students in France and with Finnish stakeholders involved in the management of hazardous weather emergencies.
Currently, ANYCaRE includes the development of two gaming simulations in a virtual city that meets realistic safety dilemmas: a flooding / flash flooding scenario and another one with strong winds and thunderstorms.
Two new role-playing sessions of ANYCaRE will be organised in the frame of the 3rd Project Workshop in Barcelona on November 14th 2018. The event will be restricted to registered participants.