Hands-on training activity on the use of the A4EU platform
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From 6th to 7th March 2019, the Spanish Civil Protection School (ENPC) located in Madrid (Spain) will host the next ANYWHERE activity, which aims to present a hands-on training of the A4EU platform to support the operational emergency response during high-impact weather-induced events.
The A4EU platform consists in a cutting-edge support tool in the emergency decision-making process, developed within the framework of the ANYWHERE project. It provides impact forecasting for the major weather-induced hazards in Europe, such as floods, flash-floods, forest fires, marine storms, landslides, heatwaves, droughts, snow or wind storms.
Under the auspices of the General Directorate of Civil Protection and Emergencies, the two-day training is designed to be practice-oriented and will provide a hands-on training on how to interact with the A4EU platform over real data derived from real emergency situations.
Moreover, representatives from the Pilot Sites of Liguria (Italy), Catalonia (Spain), Rogaland (Norway), Corsica (France) and South Savo (Finland), which are operating the platform on their daily basis in the emergency control centres since October 2018, will participate and organize a specific training session. Each one will be devoted to share knowledge of the tools available in their local platform by using a real case study.
The target audience includes technical and operational personnel belonging to Public Protection and Disaster Relief (PPDR) organisations around Europe, including national and regional Civil Protections, First Responders institutions, Law Enforcement Agencies, Rescue services, and any other response managers belonging to the institutions involved in dealing with weather-induced risks.
It is expected to gather around 60 participants who will be able to interact with civil protection experts with experience in operating the A4EU platform, as well as with the technological developers and forecasters that have designed the impact forecasting products and tools.
Further information and full agenda is available at http://gebrada.upc.es/anywhere/the-project/training-activity/.