Increasing self-protection in camping sites located in flood prone areas
- Written by anywhere-press
- Published in ANYWHERE News
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The coast of Catalonia is a high touristic area with a number of camping sites located in flood prone areas. Currently there are 356 camping sites around the country and almost half of them with significant flood risks or might be considered likely to occur.
Therefore, within the ANYWHERE project it has been developed the tool A4Campsite, a flood-oriented Early Warning System for increasing self-protection of camping sites located in flood prone areas.
During the summer campaign 2018, as a new stage of implementation, the testing of this service will be carried out on 13 Pilot camping sites located in the delta of the Tordera River Basin, an area where floods represent a significant natural hazard.
A4Campsite is a web-based service for campsite managers which shows real time information on rainfall, flood warnings and specific actions to be done in case of warnings.The web-based service is fed with flash flood hazard forecastings served by the products included in the ANYWHERE’s Multi-Hazard Early Warning System (MH-EWS) and local data provided by the Catalan Water Agency (river gauges), the Catalan Meteorological Service warnings as well as additional local sensors to be installed.
The tool will be able to send messages in flood warning situations to both campsite staff and campers staying. This trial tool is currently under development and it is foreseen that alerts via mail and SMS will be ready by July.
A4Campsite is developed by the partner company HYDS with a close collaboration with the Tordera Delta Camping Association and the Catalan Camping Federation in order to provide a tailored tool adapted to the specificities of each particular Camping Site.
During the three-month trial, it is foreseen to collect feedback from the Camp Site managers and users in order to improve the tool. The system will be presented at the 3rd Project Workshop to be held in Barcelona on 13th-14th November (World Trade Center).