Participation on the 11th Meeting of the Community of Users (CoU)
- Written by anywhere
- Published in ANYWHERE News
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The ANYWHERE project will be participating along with other H2020 ongoing projects in the 11th Plenary Meeting of the Community of Users organised by the DG HOME of the European Commission, to be held from 4th to 8th of June in Brussels, Belgium.
Prof. Daniel Sempere-Torres, coordinator of ANYWHERE, will chair the Panel 3 (Coastal threat and hydrological extremes) as a part of the Meeting on 6th June within the scope of Secure, Safe and Resilient Societies (with a focus on Extreme Weather and Climate Events).
The event will comprised of a Plenary Sesion and five thematic workshops: Mainstream Disaster Risk Reduction, Communication/Interoperability, Extreme Weather and Climate Events, Geological Disasters and Urban Critical Infrastructures. Some sections, including ANYWHERE’s participation, will be webcasted by previous suscription.
The CoU was launched in January 2014 to facilitate information exchanges among policy makers, scientists, industry, practitioners and the general public. It aims to promote research results, identify promising technologies that have the potential to be taken up by practitioners, enhance market opportunities for research results, and ensure that the expertise of practitioners is available to policy-makers.
The agenda and the registration form (online livestream available) can be accessed by the following link: