The project, “EnhANcing emergencY management and response to extreme WeatHER and climate Events” (ANYWHERE) is funded within European Commission’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (EC-HORIZON2020-PR700099-ANYWHERE) and started in June 2016.
The project’s goal is to integrate the several state-of-the-art extreme weather forecasts algorithms and its direct impacts on an accessible platform that could be used at different levels, helping administrations like Civil Protections and First Responders at one level, and to the general population at large, in order to help protect them against costly weather-induced damages and ultimately saving lives. (ANYWHERE forecasting Products catalogue:
It has Partners from 12 countries and is coordinated by the Technical University of Catalonia’s Centre for Applied Research in Hydrometeorology, including 6 enterprises, 12 operational authorities and 13 research and development Partners, ensuring the capability and high standards of the project results and their application into real-world operations and market uptake.